The Notebook (2004) Movie Trailer

The Notebook (2004) Movie Trailer

The Notebook (2004) Movie Trailer

The Notebook is a romantic drama starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Based in the 1940s, this American cult classic has become one of the most loved romance movies of all time.

A poor South Carolina boy (Noah) and a wealthy girl (Allie) fall in love in the summer of 1940. Allie’s mother refuses to allow her daughter to be with such a “trashy” boy. Allie and her family soon move away but Noah refuses to give up on her. He writes to her everyday. However, Allie’s mother again intervenes and hides the letters from her.

As World War 2 comes and goes, their lives continue on separately. However, Allie and Noah never forget each other and somehow know that they will be together again.

Watch The Notebook trailer to rekindle your love for this great film.