Based on a true story set in WW2, Anthropoid stars Jamie Dornan and Cillian Murphy playing two Czech agents. They are part of the British SOE who carry out a sabotage mission against SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the brutal ruler of Prague and author of the holocaust. Their mission, code named Operation Anthropoid, puts the Czech agents behind enemy lines in German occupied territory around Prague. Once in Prague, they team up with what is left of the Czech resistance to plan their attack. After completing the mission, the Czech soldiers have to hide and fight their way to survival. However, the Germans put the city on lock down and begin searching door to door for them.
Jamie Dornan and Cillian Murphy do an excellent job portraying the true life struggles of the two brave Czech soldiers. From love and heartbreak to mental breakdown and extreme resilience, the two must pull together to complete their mission. The production team also did a great job in accurately portraying the 1942 environment of German occupied Prague. The film is one that anyone would enjoy. However, it is an absolute must see for history lovers.
Watch the movie review by EPN to see more.